A Historic Event

Our recent trip to Wales was an amazing one. We’ve in this current semester a wonderful cohort of students from 10 different nations, as faraway as Argentina and Colombia. The barrier that separates the seen from the unseen is a thin wall that’s about to be broken. Each time I’m in the College, I’m filled with anticipation that “this trip” could be the trip where we see an open heaven. I assure you my friends, we’re not far away. God’s moving very powerfully in the Bible College of Wales. It’ll be once again a hub of incessant prayer and intercession, as it once was in the days of Mr. Rees Howells.

Apart from the College, we also have a house of prayer established at Pisgah Chapel and the momentum there is building. There’s definitely a residual of the revival anointing from way back when Mr. Evan Roberts used to pray fervently in the building. David said in Ps 26:8, “Lord I love the habitation of your house, the place where your glory dwells.” Isn’t it interesting that David would connect the Glory of God with the place where God dwells? That must be the key for us, to make this house a dwelling place for the Most High. During our time there, we had a prayer team from Canada and the leader of the Fire School in Rotterdam with us.

But the highlight must be the handover service of the Shiloh Chapel on Sep 9. The Shiloh Chapel in Landore, Swansea is 138 years old and was once pastored by the father of Robert Jermaine Thomas, the famed missionary who brought the gospel to Korea and who died as a martyr. The chapel, once the focal point of the community and can hold more than 1,100 people, had fallen victim to dwindling numbers. Efforts were made by the members to save the chapel, but no sustainable solution was found. So in January 2016, they held their last service there, marking the final chapter of that famed chapel. About the same time, our pastor in Wales, Mark Ritchie, received a prophetic word that the name “Shiloh” was going to be important for us.

He had absolutely no idea what that meant and little did he know that a few days later, the trustees of the chapel would call to see him. In the meeting, they asked if Liberty Church, a daughter of Cornerstone, would be keen to takeover the property. Pastor Mark spoke to me and there was a definite “YES” in my spirit. The handover service on Sep 9 was a culmination of months of discussion and planning; and yes, it’s now officially OURS!

During the service, the previous trustees of Shiloh, came up one after another to share what the chapel had meant to them and then to say that they’re now handing over the baton to a younger generation. What an awesome privilege this is. I believe it’s an amazing breakthrough because it’ll position our church right at the doorstep of a large population base. We hope to start renovations soon and look forward to the re-inauguration of the chapel, hopefully early 2017. To say that I’m thrilled is an understatement. God is so good to us. We’re seeing much favour in Wales and I believe this is going to be replicated in the other nations where we’ve Cornerstone bases.

May we be faithful in our generation to fulfill, as David did in his, all of God’s good will. The promised revival is coming soon, I believe sooner than we think, and we must sound the trumpet in Zion and prepare for the greatest harvest the Church has ever known in our 2,000 history. A new reformation is at our doorstep. 

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