The Hezekiah Syndrome

There’s a strange disease that afflicts those who have or are enjoying a measure of success in their lives. It happened to a rich man in Luke 12; it happened to another wealthy man in the days of David who treated David’s servants with disdain.

Prisoners of HOPE

In Zechariah 9, the Lord refers to His people as ‘Prisoners of Hope’, not prisoners of hopelessness. There’s nothing the world is aching for more right now than hope. And it’s true those with the greatest hope are also the most positive people on the planet. Both hope and hopelessness are equally contagious and we cannot allow ourselves to fall into hopelessness. Biblical hope is one of the greatest things in the world and we’re called to manifest it.

The Gift of Peace

On 30 Oct 2021, humanity passed a threshold when we officially recorded 5 million deaths from the coronavirus, not counting the devastation it has brought to untold numbers around the world. People are desperate, governments are running out of ideas, and nobody can guess when this will all end. If there are two things people need right now, it’s HOPE and PEACE. Over the next two weekends, I’ll be addressing these vital issues. It’d be wise to heed what Corrie […]

The Pleasure of His Company

“All the unhappiness of men”, the 17th Century French mathematician, Blaise Pascal, famously noted, “arises from one simple fact, that they cannot sit quietly in their chamber”. We’re living in a generation of stress, and it’s not only in the world; it’s also in the Church. There’s a tremendous pressure that’s coming down upon every person and no one is exempted from it. Unfortunately, Christians are some of the most worn-out people on the planet and that’s a shame, especially […]

Navigating in the Spirit

I have been doing quite a bit of introspection and soul searching over the past few weeks to see where I, or we, might have gone wrong in the process of trying to acquire a 2nd campus for Cornerstone. Did I not hear the voice of God correctly? Could I have done things better? Was I hasty? Was I too eager? Did I not check the warning signs? This message will take us through some of the lessons learnt on […]

Israel’s Premier Prophet

Elijah was the premier prophet in the Old Testament, no doubts about that. In Matthew 16, when Jesus and His disciples were in the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked the question, “Who do men say that I am?” Pay attention to the answers the disciples gave. The first name mentioned was John the Baptist. The 2nd was the Prophet Elijah. The 3rd was Jeremiah. In other words, these three prophets were the ones most associated with our Lord’s ministry […]


We’re at the cusp of a mighty revival, no doubts about that. I’m totally convinced that in the next few months, we’ll begin to see a fresh move of God. And I believe the prophetic word for this hour is ‘Enlarge’. Enlargement is not always a pleasant process. It requires for us to be stretched, be willing to be troubled, and allowing Him to challenge our status quo. In other words, it requires preparation. And whilst prayer is an essential […]

The Lord of Breakthroughs

2 Samuel 5 first introduces the Lord as “Lord of the Breakthroughs”. Some of us are stuck in this season, we may be in a turbulent situation and in need of a breakthrough. But God is establishing something far greater in us, and testing comes before a breakthrough. God’s breakthroughs must not come through our flesh. Instead, when we step out in faith and believe God for the impossible, we obtain the breakthrough and pave a way for others to […]

Protector and Defender

My job as a pastor is to feed, strengthen, heal, bind, restore and seek out those whom God has entrusted to us. In other words, I’m called to be a protector of the flock. Over the last 31 years of shepherding, in the course of defending the sheep, I’ve been threatened with violence, cursed, ridiculed, reviled, but I do not complain for one moment, because this was what I signed up for. This is my calling and ministry and God […]

The Besetting Sin of the Church

Charles Spurgeon said, “Man is such an idolater that if he cannot idolise anything else, he’ll idolise and bow down to himself.” This is an accurate statement. There’s something innate in mankind that’s drawn to things that can be touched or seen. And make no mistake about it – as idolatry was the scourge of Israel in the Bible, the same thing can be said of the Church today. It was Israel’s besetting sin, her stumbling block and Achilles’ heel, […]