And The Earth Was Filled With Violence

We’re seeing a degree of violence today the likes of which we’ve never witnessed before. This escalation of violence is in our streets, homes, workplaces, in the public square, and all over social media. I’m appalled at the degree of senseless violence happening on a daily basis. What’s going on here? One of the things Jesus said would happen in the last days is the spirit of murder that would be unleashed by Satan. He has come to steal, kill […]
The Cross, The Crook and The Crown

My focus this weekend is on Psalm 23, which is considered the most beloved of all psalms. Several prophets we personally know have declared that this is the psalm for 2023. This magnificent psalm was written by King David, not in his early years, as most people assume, but in the latter years of his life, as David reflected on all he had gone through. He realised that through it all, the Lord had been watching over him faithfully as […]
Judgement Day

This sobering message looks at what happens to each of us the moment we die. This is worthy of all acceptance – everyone who has ever lived will be judged for his works, good or evil. There are no exceptions; there are no VIP passes and there are no back doors. We can banish any thought that you can escape the Courtroom of Heaven. How are we going to be appraised on that Day?