Kings and Priests

One of the greatest revelations about to be released upon this earth in these last days is the revelation of the Melchizedekian Priesthood. So little has been taught about this seemingly ‘obscure’ subject, but I believe the full revelation is going to be revealed to us because of the hour we’re in. The Melchizedek Priesthood is the highest authority of the believer on planet earth and its combination of both the priestly and kingly anointing is something we must press […]

Follow The Cloud of Glory

Over the past 35 years of marriage, my family and I have shifted a total of 9 times. Each time we settle into our new place and unpack, there’s always this sense of hope: “Lord, I sure hope that this will be the last time we’re going to do this.” And not too long later, we’re on the move again. I think this continual dislocation is part of my lot in life and I think it’s designed to teach me […]

The Trivialisation of Glory

I want to see His Glory. Jesus prayed in John 17 that we may behold His Glory. Moses cried out to God, “Show me Your Glory”. David cried out that God’s Glory may dwell in the land. It’s God’s desire that we not just behold His Glory, but dwell with it. But we must be careful not to trivialise His Magnificence. If we’re going to be carriers of His Glory, what’s required of us in this hour?

The False Prophet and the Mark of the Beast

In the last days, we’ll see a level of deception not seen since the world began. Satan will bring out all his weapons of mass deception because he knows his time is short and he’ll try and bring as many people into hell with him. And part of getting ready for the future is to have a revelation of what’s coming. What will we face in the future? How do we prepare ourselves for the end-times? Can we be immunised […]

The Drumbeat of War

We read from Scriptures – first the natural, then the spiritual. What we’re now seeing unfold is the potential of a European War breaking forth with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Jesus foretold of this time – that we will see wars fought and hear rumours of wars. This will lead to a spiralling of the world’s economies, open hostilities in many nations, the loss of many lives, soaring oil prices, out-of-control inflation, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. […]

Tasting The Powers Of The Age To Come

I’m fascinated by the power of God. The discovery of the splitting of the atom, the tiniest of particles, led to the release of immense power and this is just a little foretaste of the power of God. Jesus said the tiniest amount of faith can move the greatest mountain without even breaking a single drop of sweat. In every generation, God permits a select remnant to not only see but to also taste what’s reserved for those in the […]

Confessions and Decrees

We live in a word-created, word-upheld, word-sustained and word-dominated environment. Job 22 tells us, “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you.” The writer to the Hebrews tells us that Jesus ‘holds all things by the WORD of His power’. Paul says in Colossians, ‘In Him, all things are held together’. How? By the Spoken Word. This is the power of a decree from a pure heart. Not only will a decree establish a thing […]

2 Mandates for 2022

In our 2022 Vision Sunday address, hear a defining word as Pastor Yang shares what he believes to be 2 mandates for us this year as a church. May you encounter the power of the Holy Spirit in your lives like never before!

Mantles & Mentors

This weekend, I’d like to take the opportunity to honour a few men who have made a significant impact in my life. I’m sharing this with you in order that you may understand our heritage and inheritance because this is not just about me, it’s about us. The people God has connected me with is for your sake. One of the greatest privileges in my life is to be surrounded with many prophets and godly mentors who have all poured […]

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

One of the biggest mistakes that we make in life is to judge by what we see. We judge people by how we perceive or what we hear about them. We judge a people’s group often by what we read. We judge by appearance; we judge by their speech. But we’re told in Scriptures that Jesus, when He was on this earth, did not judge by the seeing of the eyes, or by the hearing of the ear. Instead, He […]