Why Every Believer Needs To Be Anointed

Every truly born-again believer has received an anointing from the Holy ONE and that anointing enables us to function and serve in the capacity for which He has designed us. The anointing is like putting a key in the ignition and starting the engine. It’s the spark that ignites the gifts. And if you say, “I’m not anointed”, then you’re calling the Holy Spirit a liar. The only way for us to truly understand the anointing is to understand WHO […]
Why Every Believer Needs To Be Covered

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 11:3 that ‘The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.’ Basically, everyone has a covering – even Christ – whose head is the Father. So it makes a person look silly when he or she says, “I don’t need a head or a covering.” We all need a covering and to be properly covered as well.
Michael’s War

The 12th chapter of the Book of Revelations describes a future war that’s coming which will not be fought on earth, but in the heavenlies. It’ll not be fought by men, but by angelic beings seeking to dominate the heavenly places. The outcome of this battle has already been decided and satan will be thrown out of heaven. But WOE to the inhabitants of the earth when that happens. What must we understand about this coming war and what are […]
Magnum Opus of Cornerstone

The phrase ‘Magnum Opus’ means ‘Great Work’. When Jesus went to the Father, He promised that we would not only do the work He did, but greater works shall we do! What is the great work that God has called us to do? More specifically, what is the Magnum Opus of Cornerstone? Here are 7 things that makes us uniquely Cornerstone.
The Legacy of Enlargement

Our God is an OVER-PROVIDER. Each time we find the Lord providing for His people, the provision is always overcompensated by His generosity. One of the great promises in Scripture is that ‘The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it’ Proverbs 10:22. There’s really no limit to how much God can give to us, if we’re willing to believe. Cornerstone is entering into enlargement and expansion and we must prepare for it!
The Perplexity & Affliction of Job

Apart from our Lord Jesus, very few people who have suffered greater pain, humiliation and anguish like Job did. And what he went through is something I wish for no other human being. He lost everything he loved, cherished and owned in one fell swoop. BUT GOD… What do we do when there’s perplexity and affliction in our lives?
The 7 Great Priorities of God

There are seven great priorities God has for the Church and I can see all of heaven buzzing with great excitement because of what’s about to happen on earth. The great sacrifice of our Saviour Jesus Christ is coming to a fullness and we need to be focused on those things that are in the Father’s heart.
The Anguish Of An Ageing Shepherd

The 2nd epistle of Paul to Timothy is one of my favourites. It’s a ‘no holds barred’, bare knuckle letter written shortly before his own departure and he’s not holding anything back. He does something that he rarely does in the other epistles – he gets very up-close and personal and pours out his anguish to young Timothy.
Shun Profane & Old Wives’ Fables

Both apostles Paul and Peter warned us to refuse and shun ‘profane and old wives’ fables’. Although the Bible doesn’t tell us exactly what these old wives’ fables were, a cursory glance of 1 and 2 Timothy gives us an idea what Paul was referring to. What are some of these old wives’ fables? How can the church avoid these controversies. Paul then spoke at length on the exercise of godliness, which we will be exploring.
Evangelism – Salvation For The Whole Family

Just as prayer, the reading of the Word, and fasting are essentials for every believer, evangelism is something that we’re ALL called to do. It can be daunting at the onset, and we may sometimes feel intimidated by the thought of sharing our faith with another. But it doesn’t have to be so. PlusONE is a multi-pronged initiative to help us build a lifestyle of evangelism in Cornerstone. Be inspired and empowered as our pastors share about this great task […]