And The Earth Was Filled With Violence

We’re seeing a degree of violence today the likes of which we’ve never witnessed before. This escalation of violence is in our streets, homes, workplaces, in the public square, and all over social media. I’m appalled at the degree of senseless violence happening on a daily basis. What’s going on here? One of the things Jesus said would happen in the last days is the spirit of murder that would be unleashed by Satan. He has come to steal, kill […]

The Cross, The Crook and The Crown

My focus this weekend is on Psalm 23, which is considered the most beloved of all psalms. Several prophets we personally know have declared that this is the psalm for 2023. This magnificent psalm was written by King David, not in his early years, as most people assume, but in the latter years of his life, as David reflected on all he had gone through. He realised that through it all, the Lord had been watching over him faithfully as […]

Judgement Day

This sobering message looks at what happens to each of us the moment we die. This is worthy of all acceptance – everyone who has ever lived will be judged for his works, good or evil. There are no exceptions; there are no VIP passes and there are no back doors. We can banish any thought that you can escape the Courtroom of Heaven. How are we going to be appraised on that Day?

The Unveiling

The Bible speaks of a veil that covers over our eyes – a curse resulting from Adam’s transgression. But because of what Jesus – the 2nd Adam, has done, this veil has been removed and we can behold Him with unveiled faces and experience an open heaven. God seeks for us to enter through the veil into the innermost chambers of His Presence. His invitation is for us to come and enter in, and dwell in the unseen realm of […]

A Multitude Of Counsellors

One of the titles of our Lord Jesus is ‘Wonderful Counsellor’. He’s the answer for the world today. He has counsel for every crisis, a plan for every problem, a direction for every dilemma, a prescription for every pain, and a message for every man. In an ever-increasing complex world, what I see is a great need in the Church is for a company of Spirit-filled and Spirit-led counsellors. May God grant to us a multitude of counsellors in this […]

A Guidebook to Sacrifice

The greatest departure from New Testament Christianity has come about possibly because of our failure to understand the nature and necessity of sacrifice. Christianity was founded upon sacrifice and has progressed over the last 2,000 years and will continue to do so because of it. But whenever the sacrificial nature of our faith is compromised, there’ll be a falling away that comes upon the Church and her progress comes to a grinding halt.

Reclaiming Rest

The most common refrain I hear today is, “I am TIRED!” It seems like everyone you meet is going through a season of stress or worse still, distress. We’re told in Daniel that the devil seeks to wear out the Saints of the Most High. Things are going to be more difficult. Christians are going to be in great perplexity and we must find this place of rest before we spiral downwards. There’s a rest that God is offering us […]

How To Avoid Being A Leper

Leprosy is a terrible but prevalent disease in the Old Testament. Several men and women of renown were struck with leprosy and there’s a common thread with all our biblical examples – it’s the sin of presumption. How often have we behaved or spoken in a presumptuous manner that has gotten us into trouble. That’s why David prayed, “Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, and I […]

Until All Is Restored

In Acts 3, the Apostle Peter stood before a large crowd gathered in Jerusalem and preached a glorious message of salvation. One of the ideas he alluded to was that Jesus could not return from heaven until all things had been restored. In other words, before He can be released from heaven to return to this earth as King of kings and Lord of lords, a few things has to be accomplished and restored. And this ought to be our […]

Satan’s War on the Firstborn

The concept of the firstborn was of great importance to the Jewish mind, because in the Old Testament, the firstborn son inherited a double portion of the estate and also the headship of the family. He was honoured and respected by all the other siblings and had authority over them. He also had the responsibility for their welfare. In the Old Testament, the throne of a king was always passed down by genealogy to the firstborn son, as was the […]