How I Kept My Sanity After 34 Years In Ministry

This is my 34th year in full-time ministry and I can’t think of anything else I want to do for the rest of my life. I love 100% what I’m doing and I’d not exchange it for anything in the world! But I think the role of a senior pastor is probably one of the most intense and difficult jobs there is on the planet. So how in 34 years of ministry have I kept a semblance of sanity? That’s […]
Why I Will Not Sell You Snake Oil

I don’t ever want to be guilty of feeding you with sugar water, nor have a church full of people with rotting and decaying teeth. The Pentecostal Church today is guilty of fostering a culture of spiritual babies who crave sugary words of destiny while their teeth are rotting. Prophetic conferences are packed with children who are malnourished because they’ve never been taught the strong Word of the Lord. They like to laugh, shake, fall, but they do not tremble […]
The Law of Unintended Consequences

There’s a law in Scripture called the ‘Law of Unintended Consequences’. Wisdom warns there comes a point in time that if we keep ignoring her, it becomes too late to avoid the consequences. And we’re not talking about salvation, because it’s never too late to be saved. But when the things God’s wisdom intends to protect us from in life such as bankruptcy, sexually-transmitted diseases, mental breakdown, addictions, divorce etc. go unheeded – when we keep rejecting wisdom, there’ll be […]
The Bird Catcher

Psalm 124:7-8 says, ‘Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.’ If you’re reading from the NKJV, both verses use two rather archaic words – ‘snare’ and ‘fowler’. But if you’ve a modern translation, you’ll discover the word for ‘snare’ is sometimes translated as net or trap. The fowler is a bird-catcher or […]
The Rivers of God

Many rivers in the world are venerated by different religious groups, but there’s definitely one river in the Bible where life-giving waters will flow. Wherever this river goes, it’ll bring forth life. 2024 is going to be a year where we see the intensity of the river increasing in Cornerstone and we must be ready at an instant to go deeper into it. The Lord is calling us to GO DEEP.
Once Upon A Tree

The Lord often used metaphors and parables to illustrate Kingdom truth, and simple pictorial language people could easily understand. Believers are often pictured in Scripture as Trees of Righteousness; Israel was referred to as an Olive Tree; and righteous men were called Cedars. King Solomon, in his wisdom, spoke of cedars of Lebanon and the hyssop, a plant that grows out from the walls of buildings. All this to say that some are like cedars and others like the hyssop. […]
Plans, Purpose and Process

There are three words we want to explore this weekend – PLANS, PURPOSE, and in between that is something called PROCESS. If I could summarise what these three verses are saying, they simply mean: you can plan all you like, but God has the FINAL SAY! It also means that if your plans interfere with God’s purposes for your life, He reserves the right to overrule and scuttle them. So whatever plans we make, just be sure they’re in alignment […]
Friends of the Bridegroom

John the Baptist was called a friend of the Bridegroom, which is the highest accolade and commendation one can receive from the Lord. In Scripture, it was the friend of the bridegroom who was selected to conduct marriage negotiations on his part. It was he who carried messages between the bridegroom and the bride during the period of the betrothal. God is looking for companions for His Son for eternity and that should be our highest quest.
The Snake Line

The snake line is a geographical term which describes an imaginary topographical line in a mountainous region above which snakes cannot live or survive. Snakes can live beneath the line but cannot survive above it. This concept is life-transforming when applied to our spiritual lives, because Scriptures reveal an analogy between both.
The Evolution Of A Vision

In Numbers 33:2a, we read how ‘Moses wrote down the starting points of their journeys at the command of the Lord.’ The whole of Numbers 33 is dedicated to one thing – the journey that the Children of Israel took in the wilderness for 40 years. Did you know that in 40 years, they camped at a total of 40 different locations, with each essentially being a key water source? And it was the Lord who commanded Moses to record […]