Israel’s Greatest Hits and Why They Matter

There’s something profoundly spiritual about music. A rabbi once said when language aspires to the transcendent, and the soul longs to break free of the gravitational pull of the earth, it modulates into song. Jewish history is not so much read, as it’s SUNG. Get in tune with the Bible’s TOP 10 greatest hits and why they matter!
The Coming Collapse Of The Financial Markets & The New World Order

The Prophet Haggai prophesied that God will shake everything that can be shaken. He’ll shake the heavens and the earth; and He’ll shake ALL nations, starting with the financial markets. The current financial system is based on unjust weights and balances, greed and covetousness, and an insatiable appetite for more. God will judge this and it’s inevitable. Will this be replaced with a new world order? And will it pave the way for the rise of an antichrist system? What […]
The Rules of Life

In line with our ‘Faith@Work’ launch this weekend, we explore the ‘Secret of A Blessed Life’. Why is it that with everything being equal, one person succeeds in life and another ends up in failure? What’s the secret ingredient that will lead us into a blessed life, and what makes a life truly blessed?
View From The 15th Storey

2 Chronicles 20:20 says, ‘Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.’ Our prosperity depends on ‘hearing’ the prophets God sends to us and believing in what they say. If we believe the word of the prophet, we receive his reward, which is REVELATION. What’s the Lord saying to us in 2025? Where’s the spiritual compass pointing toward? In this important first message of the year, Pastor Yang shares the […]
Entering 2025 Curse Free

Curses are real. They’re not a Hollywood invention, nor are they fairy tales. If not dealt with, they can powerfully affect your life. Curses are not only from the demonic, they can also come from God. Whatever is cursed will wither, but whatever is blessed will multiply. Jesus cursed the fig tree and it withered overnight, He blessed the bread and it multiplied. As we enter into 2025, we want to ensure every curse over our lives is broken.
The Unlimited Supply of God’s Kingdom

God has no idea what it means to be in shortage. He doesn’t know anything about being stingy or having measly portions. If you could begin to understand this, you’d never come short because of the unlimited supply of God’s Kingdom! Join us as we embark on this new series on ‘Biblical Economics & Kingdom Stewardship’.
Battle For The Acropolis

John says in 1 John 5:19, “We know that we are of God, and the WHOLE world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” What’s the thing we know? We know we’re of God – that we belong to Him. What’s it that the world doesn’t know? They don’t know they belong to the wicked one. The whole world is under the sway of the devil; it’s bipolar and divided into two camps – those who belong to God […]
The Chosen

The whole idea of being ‘chosen’ does not originate from us, but God. Long before time began, He had already written upon His heart the names of His elect. Jesus said in John 15:16, “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and ordained you…” He chose us out of this world. I did not choose Him, He chose me. I didn’t choose this life, it chose me. I didn’t love Him first, He did. So how do […]
Rediscovering Eden

All the things that the devil gained at the forbidden tree; Jesus regained at Calvary. God planted many trees in the Garden of Eden and each had its unique purpose. But only two were named for their great importance and challenged the course of the entire human race – the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Throughout our lives, we’ll have to choose from which tree we want to eat from, because between […]
Cleansing Bloodlines and Generational Curses

We read in Scripture that each man must bear his own sin. Our sin is personal. A father shall not bear the sins of his children, and neither are children responsible for the sins of their father. Iniquities, however, are inherited and generations of descendants later, our offspring can still suffer its consequences. So how do we break generational curses in our bloodline, and ensure they are not passed down to our descendants?