We invite you to journey alongside through praying and giving.

UEN: S95SS0118JBF1 
Account name: Cornerstone Comm Church Building Fund 
DBS Account: 072-041326-1 
Bank Code: 7171 
Branch Code: 072 

*Note 1: The Building Fund is a restricted fund, and donations received into this account will be restricted to the purchase of Church premises. The details of this account may also be found on Cornerstone’s Giving page at https://cscc.org.sg/give/

*Note 2: The Church’s Finance Team will be glad to issue non tax-deductible receipts for donations. If you require a receipt, kindly email your request to giving@cscc.org.sg and allow for the team to get back to you within 10 working days.

*Note 3: Cashier’s order or cheques may be to payee “Cornerstone Comm Church Building Fund”. Please note that local currency (ie Singapore Dollar) is preferred due to compliance guidelines. For cheques, please add name and contact number on reverse side of cheque in case we need to contact you.

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

Colossians 2:6-7

In March this year, Cornerstone came across the potential sale of several property units at Orchard Towers. These units had previously housed two nightclubs but had ceased operations following the authorities' clean-up of the building. 

Pastor Yang and the executive team visited the units and spent months in prayerful consideration. The possibility was also presented to the Church Board, and after much discussion, both the leadership team and Board reached the following conclusion:

1. A Permanent Space in a Prime Location for Our Growing Congregation

These units offer a permanent home for our Bugis Congregation, and a wonderful opportunity for our language congregations to establish a foothold in the heart of the city. 

Its central location makes it highly accessible and convenient for our congregation and visitors alike. The icing on the cake is that the surrounding retail units provide plenty of opportunity for future expansion. 

2. A Rare and Unique Opportunity

It’s increasingly rare and difficult for churches to acquire commercial space that can be approved for religious use, especially in prime locations

This freehold property, while costly, is truly one of a kind and a worthwhile investment which could last decades. Thanks to our strong financial foundation, we are able to make this purchase with minimal borrowing. 

3. Aligning with our Call to Redeem Places of Darkness for God’s Glory

Part of our mission as a church is to transform places of darkness into places of light. This calling has been part of who we are since we started redeeming discotheques and KTV bars in Odeon Katong

Acquiring these units at Orchard Towers is another radical act of obedience in redeeming territory out of the marketplace for the Lord. As we did many years ago, we see this as a chance to turn a place with a troubled past into a thriving community for God’s people. Just as He provided for us before, we believe God is leading us to plant a new vineyard on Orchard, reclaiming it for His Kingdom. 

Notice of EGM

Notice is hereby given that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Church be held at:

Address: 11 East Coast Road,
Odeon Katong Level 3 Auditorium,
Singapore 409045
Date: 12 November 2024 (
Time: 7.30pm

for the purpose of considering and if thought fit passing the following resolutions:

Resolution 1: Approval to Utilise Subsidiary for Property Purchase 

Resolution 2: Approval to Negotiate Purchase Price and terms 

Resolution 3: Approval for Financing and Allocation of Funds 

Resolution 4: Approval for Property Renovation 

Resolutions 5 & 6: Authorisation for Legal and Regulatory Advice & Compliance 

Resolution 7: Authorisation to take such actions as may be in the Church’s best interests 

The EGM is open only to members of Cornerstone Community Church.
Registration for the EGM is essential and can be done through this form.