At CSCCKidz, we believe in laying a strong foundation of the Word of God in the lives of the children which will be their plumb-line. The Lord is raising up generations of children to be lovers of God, lovers of truth and righteousness and a prophetic voice for their generation.

CSCCKidz Katong
(The Odeon Katong, Level 2)
5.00pm (18 months – 12 years old)
8.30am (3 – 12 years old)
10.15am (18 months – 12 years old)
CSCCKidz Bugis
(Bugis Mercure Hotel, Level 3)
10.45am (3 – 12 years old)
Check-in opens 15 minutes before services start.

Toddlers (18-36 months)
Our toddlers learn about Creation through simple Bible stories. As part of their developmental growth, gross motor skills such as jumping, swinging and bending to the rhythm are reinforced through praise action songs and games. Fine motor skills such as colouring and drawing are reinforced during craft sessions.

Preschool (3-6 years old)
Children learn to respond to God’s Word by taking simple steps of faith, love and obedience daily through their speech and actions. Each lesson aims to teach them about His nature, character, virtues and truths. They are easy to understand and strive to have every child learn to keep the Word in their hearts from a young age.

Primary (7-12 years old)
We emphasise:
• Growing in prayer and the Word of God
• Growing in godly character
• Grounding in their identity and purpose
• Going forth to fulfil God’s purpose in their generation

Bridging Ministry (P6 Transitions)
This is a collaboration between our Children’s Church and Generations Youth ministry. The monthly Bridging Service serves as a platform to create a positive peer community in which life experiences and skills can be shared. This facilitates a seamless transition of our children into the youth ministry.

Your child is precious, valued and his/her potential is limitless. Special needs is not a behavioural disorder or social limitation. We believe that in the right environment, your child can thrive. Here at JEWELS, we emphasise:
• Deep acceptance and respect for each child
• Socialisation and rapport building with friends
• Strong parent-child connections and bonding
• Empowering you as parents to be your child’s best resource
Jewels class is only available on Saturdays 5pm at CSCCKidz Katong.

Mustard Seed (Starting from 3 years old)
To nurture children with physical developmental delays, or with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities.
CSCCKidz Katong Currently unavailable.
CSCCKidz Bugis Currently unavailable.

When you arrive, come by the CSCCKidz Check-In Area, also known as our Welcome Booth. We would love to connect with you! We will assist you in getting your kids checked in and answer any questions you may have.
As part of our security protocol, you’ll be asked to provide some details of you and your child. All data will be kept strictly private and confidential.
Can a parent/guardian sit in with the child?
If your child is attending the Kingdom Tots class (for 18-35 months), an adult (either the parent or a guardian) would be required to accompany the child for the class.
For children aged 3 and above, simply drop your children off at the Welcome Booth and pick them up at the end of service. Rest assured that your child is in good hands!
How do I find out the programmes/curriculum of the classes?
Our curriculum is available on our CSCCKidz App, for CSCCKidz members only. If your child is not a CSCCKidz member, you can subscribe to our CSCCKidz Telegram to receive latest updates on our Children’s Church happenings. Join us at
When will my child be promoted to the next class?
Children 18-35 months old are promoted developmentally according to their birthdays. Children between 36 months-12 years old are promoted annually in January.
What time does the Welcome Booth open for check-in?
Check-in opens 15 minutes before services and closes 30 minutes after service has started.
Check-in Timings:
CSCCKidz Katong
Sat | 4.45pm – 5.30pm
Sun 1st | 8.15am – 9.00am
Sun 2nd | 10.00am – 10.45amCSCCKidz Bugis
Sun | 10.30AM – 11.15amHow will you get hold of me if my child needs me?
You will receive a call or WhatsApp message to the number you registered with us.
Do you have a class that caters to a child with special needs?
Yes we do, you are welcome to contact us at and we will love to walk with you in ministering to your child.
What is your Child Protection Policy?
We would like to share some of our processes, safeguards and service standards with you, so you too can have peace of mind while your children are under our care. 160 volunteers serve as teachers and helpers for kids from 18 months to 12 years old, at Katong and Bugis. To serve in the Children’s Ministry, volunteers are put through a thorough screening process to ensure that they are suitable for the role they would like to serve in. We require them to be regular at Cornerstone services for at least 2 years and committed in a Cell Community for a minimum of 6 months.
1. Preliminary Interview
When a potential volunteer indicates his/her desire to serve at CSCCKidz, our Children’s Church Director conducts a preliminary interview to ascertain the right fit and suitability.2. Reference Check
A reference check with the applicant’s Cell Leader will also provide feedback to his/her suitability in the role.3. Observation
If found suitable by both the Director and Cell Leader, the potential volunteer will be given the opportunity to understudy in the area they would like to serve in.4. Induction Programme
We ensure that a new volunteer undergoes our induction programme where the volunteer will learn the importance of the Ministry Code of Conduct which has specific stipulations on how his/her conduct with children is to be carried out. This Code of Conduct also includes rules around toilet visits, physical contact and disciplinary approach.5. Follow-up Meetings
Finally, we will have follow-up meetings with the volunteer and also have them meet their team leaders to ensure that they are cared for pastorally. This process is critical as it helps us ensure that our people maintain a good level of personal, spiritual and relational health.
We are thankful for the dedication and love that our volunteers have for the children, and are also confident in their level of professionalism and capability in working as a team. Thank you for your support and entrusting us with the privilege of shepherding our young ones!

Children can come together weekly on Friday evenings in various localities for a fun time learning about God and building relationships with one another.

Baptism is a meaningful step of faith for your child. Children planning to get water baptised are required to undergo a 5-week course to prepare them for this meaningful act. To register, sign up here or email

Our annual Kids’ Conference is part of our Kingdom Invasion Conferences and takes place during the Nov/Dec school holidays. It is set in an atmosphere of fun, while letting our children come to a place of encounter with Jesus through anointed worship, activating them in the power of God and in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Visit for more information.