The life of a Christian is built on the foundation of the Word of God. Our Training and Equipping (T&E) classes are designed to equip and navigate you through the different seasons of life.

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to find out more.


Senior Pastors

"Grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ."

2 Peter 3:18

GROW is a foundational track guided by 2 Peter 3:18 which encourages believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. It caters to both new believers and new members in our church community.

The 100 series classes in this track provide the foundations for the growth of a new believer after receiving salvation, while the 200 series classes help imbue the church’s vision and values to both new believers and new members alike.

We encourage all, regardless of spiritual maturity, to join these classes if you are new to Cornerstone.


New Beginnings



Christian Foundations

• Christian Values
• Elementary Truths
• Journey of Israel



“Flourish like a tree planted by the streams of living water.”

Psalm 1:3

FLOURISH is an intermediate track that encourages the initiated believer to flourish like in Psalm 1:3 as trees planted by the streams of living water; that we would all grow beyond the foundational truths of the word of God.

Whether you are pursuing Biblical Studies in our 300 series, Doctrine Studies in our 400 series or looking to apply yourself through our 500 series in Ministry, this track puts an emphasis on continual learning by preparing individuals for ministry, both within and outside the church, by arming you with deeper biblical truths and equipping you to impact your sphere of influence.


Biblical Studies

• Biblical Overviews


Doctrine Studies

• Understanding Theology
• Christian Heritage


Ministry Series

• Contemporary Issues
• Ministry Equipping



"Lead by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."

Romans 8:14

INSPIRE is an aspirational track in which we hope that all participants share a common focus of attaining to Romans 8:14 in becoming sons of God. It is a dual component track for the mature believer that caters to both the church community at large, as well as those who aspire to lead others in their faith.

The 900 series classes equip individuals on how to lead and influence in the society at large through addressing contemporary issues that affect the church.



• Marketplace Influence & Leadership


Senior Pastors

"Grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ."

2 Peter 3:18

GROW is a foundational track guided by 2 Peter 3:18 which encourages believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. It caters to both new believers and new members in our church community.

The 100 series classes in this track provide the foundations for the growth of a new believer after receiving salvation, while the 200 series classes help imbue the church’s vision and values to both new believers and new members alike.

We encourage all, regardless of spiritual maturity, to join these classes if you are new to Cornerstone.


New Beginnings



Christian Foundations

• Christian Values
• Elementary Truths
• Journey of Israel



“Flourish like a tree planted by the streams of living water.”

Psalm 1:3

FLOURISH is an intermediate track that encourages the initiated believer to flourish like in Psalm 1:3 as trees planted by the streams of living water; that we would all grow beyond the foundational truths of the word of God.

Whether you are pursuing Biblical Studies in our 300 series, Doctrine Studies in our 400 series or looking to apply yourself through our 500 series in Ministry, this track puts an emphasis on continual learning by preparing individuals for ministry, both within and outside the church, by arming you with deeper biblical truths and equipping you to impact your sphere of influence.


Biblical Studies

• Biblical Overviews


Doctrine Studies

• Understanding Theology
• Christian Heritage


Ministry Series

• Contemporary Issues
• Ministry Equipping



"Lead by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."

Romans 8:14

INSPIRE is an aspirational track in which we hope that all participants share a common focus of attaining to Romans 8:14 in becoming sons of God. It is a dual component track for the mature believer that caters to both the church community at large, as well as those who aspire to lead others in their faith.

The 900 series classes equip individuals on how to lead and influence in the society at large through addressing contemporary issues that affect the church.



• Marketplace Influence & Leadership

Thank you for your interest. Our courses are offered two times a year (April and August) to equip believers of all ages. There’s something at every stage of your walk with Christ to help you hit the high call of God! Registration opens one month prior to the start of the semester.
From our 100 series for the new believer to our 600 series for leadership training, there’s something at every stage of your walk with Christ to help you hit the high call of God! (Philippians 3:14)


Book of Galatians: True Freedom Revealed
Living in a world that constantly invites us to follow our hearts, what is true freedom for the Christian? What about the message of God’s grace and how does it change the way we live? The Book of Galatians was written by the apostle Paul to address these issues. This red-hot letter to the churches in Galatia reminded them to follow the true gospel of the crucified Messiah, and called them to walk in the Spirit. It teaches that our righteousness comes only through Jesus, and not through anything we can do.

Join us for a study of this exciting book with Dr Neal Patterson this July. Just as this powerful epistle impacted great men like Martin Luther, John Bunyan and John Wesley, it can change your life!

Course Timing:
6, 13, 20, 27 July (Tuedays), 8PM to 9PM

Course Speaker:
Dr. Neal Patterson

Registration ends on 29 June 2021.

Join Us